news aggregator service Startoholics Mon, 16 Sep 2013 04:51:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Newzmate, A News Aggregation Service Lets You Read News In A Personalized And Simple Way Wed, 11 Sep 2013 14:42:31 +0000 The increasingly hectic pace of today’s 24-hour lifestyle seldom leaves room for activities like reading. You wake up to the atrocious tone of your alarm clock, brew a cup of rejuvenating coffee and try to read some pertinent news on your way to the office. Much to your dismay, you realize that you have to choose from dozens of topics, making it impossible to find interesting news amidst irrelevant junk....

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The increasingly hectic pace of today’s 24-hour lifestyle seldom leaves room for activities like reading. You wake up to the atrocious tone of your alarm clock, brew a cup of rejuvenating coffee and try to read some pertinent news on your way to the office. Much to your dismay, you realize that you have to choose from dozens of topics, making it impossible to find interesting news amidst irrelevant junk.

Typing a particular keyword to explore news articles also wouldn’t help much as you will be deluged with redundant information and scanning interesting topics amongst them is a prolonged task. The current alarming situation demands some intelligence to step in the entire news reading process and Newzmate is an application that has decided to move ahead in this direction and confront the problem.

Have a look at a quick introduction to Newzmate

Absence of a single platform enabling users to find and read news with a consistent look and feel made Alexei Chapko and Dmytro Shandyba come up with Newzmate, a news reading app that aggregates news around real-life events. “The idea struck us after Google decided to close Google Reader and as active news consumers we started to research this market to find a replacement, but found out that despite of huge competition, the existing apps do to not solve the main issue – news overflow and oversaturation of the news stream. That’s why we decided to create an app that solves this problem in our own, smart way.” said Alexei

Alexei and Dmytro have been working together for more than a year now. Newzmate is their second startup and they decided to synergize their efforts as they both have a strong background in critical success areas of a startup- business and product development. Alexei majorly looks after the sales and finance aspect whereas Dmytro is responsible for technical and operational management at Newzmate.

Whenever a user finds an important news (within Newzmate or at any other website) he can turn this news into an event just in one click and then get everything related to selected topics within Newzmate service or right to his email as a daily digest. In this way a user does not need to spend time digging important news from the oversaturated news stream and can always be up to date with things that matter the most.

When asked how it is different from other platforms like StumbleUpon and Flipboard, Alexei said, “None of the existing news reading services provide a way to follow events in a period of time. The only similar solution is provided by Google Alerts, but there you need to know keywords of the event you want to follow and it’s an entirely separate solution with a complicated workflow.”

Once you sign up at Newzmate you can add whatever you want. It can be a topic like “Samsung” or “Startups”, your favourite website, or just a keyword like “Kickstarter”. However, the best part is that you can merge several criteria and receive, for example, the only news about “Startups” which mention the word “Kickstarter”.

You can select the number of new articles you want to have on the news wall and can also filter news by popularity index. If you wish to follow news from your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ accounts, you can add your profile to Newzmate and read news within a single news wall in a much organized way.  Newzmate’s job is to provide you with accurately chosen entries by delivering just what you need and as much as you need.

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Newzmate was launched in closed beta in the month of August and was a very basic RSS with aggregation possibilities. Since the launch, they have consistently tried to improve the UX based on user feedback and understood their expectations. Currently Newzmate is in public beta status and does not charge any money. But they do have two business model options in mind that they are going to implement soon.

First is a Freemium option where if users want to follow more than 3 events they will need to pay a monthly subscription and the second option is for business customers who want to embed “smart” news stream within their websites and Newzmate can provide API and charge money for the amount of data within this news stream.

Alexei is of the opinion that there is no magic involved in customer acquisition and fund raising. “People will not use products that are not solving their problems and investors (smart ones) do not invest in companies that do not prove the value of their product and reflect a precise understanding of their customers.” The team is all set to release a significantly improved version with events following possibilities during September.

What about you? Do you think Newzmate can bring a considerable change in the field of news aggregator apps? Visit their website and share your views on this startup.

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